Deutsch IV Honors

Das deutsche politische System

Google Presentation:  GELB
Google Presentation:  WEISS

Yildiz Midterm Project

Teil 1:  Kapitel 1-11 (WEISS)
Teil 2:  Kapitel 12-23 (GOLD)


Test-Passiv und Da/Wo (60 pts)

I.  Change sentences from Active to Passive (all tenses) (25 pts)
II.  Multiple Choice:  Choose the correct active sentence from the passive sentence given (10 pts)
III.  Identify the Passive Tense in each sentence!  (5 pts)
IV.  Replace the object of the preposition with an appropriate da-compound, then restate the sentence        as a question using a wo-compound
       -5 replacing THINGS (10 pts)
       -5 replacing PEOPLE  (10 pts)



NRW Projekt Hilfe


Da/Wo -Compounds


Homework Ex 1

Homework Ex 2




Bremen/Hamburg Werbung

30 Pts total
Must include:  Wichtige Informationen, Bilder, Preise/Lage/Anreise, Kreativität
Due:  Mittwoch, der 23. September!
Die Partnern sollen bereit sein, ein bisschen über der Sehenswürdigkeit zur Klasse zu erzählen!


Please click on the following link and complete Frau Wilson's Student Information Form 2015-16 no later than Thursday, September 3rd (end of the school day).  This is your first homework assignment!

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