Deutsch II Honors

Food Sign-Up

All food should be brought on MONDAY, March 14th (Day 3).


Midterm Spoken Exam Questions and Info


Jugendherbergen in Deutschland

Hausaufgabe:  Design a poster (normal copy paper sized) advertising your hostel!  The poster should include any important information one would need to know to make a decision to go there and should also tell how to get there.  All text should be in German.  This will be a graded assignment (20 pts).  Be sure to include:
Name of hostel
Location of the hostel
special features of the hostel
activities in the area
website/contact information
appealing design

You will have classtime on Day 2 to work on this and it will be due on Day 3 (Thursday)!
Im Flughafen - Ein Dialog

Du und deine Partnern machen ein Rollenspiel zum Thema.  Jede Person ?muss mindestens 5 Zeile haben!  Alles soll auswendig gelernt sein ?(memorized).

Mögliche Situationen (choose one):

1.  Ein/e Angestellte, 2 Reisende

?Die Reisende checken ein.

2.  3 Reisende

?Sie stehen zusammen in der Schlange und sprechen über die Reise.

3.  2 Reisende, ein Flugbeleiter/in

?Die Reisende sprechen mit einander über die Reise, der/die ??Flugbegleiter bietet Getränke und antwortet Fragen.

Grading Criteria:

This counts as a quiz grade, worth 25 points.

Each criteria is worth 5 points:






Please click on the following link and complete Frau Wilson's Student Information Form 2015-16 no later than Thursday, September 3rd (end of the school day).  This is your first homework assignment!




Final Exam Format (II)


Deutsch II Case Review


Case Practice


Wednesday, January 7th

All students should go to the following website:
Using the written exam format given on Monday, use this site to practice past tense, reflexive, cases, genitive, or vocabulary (found under TEACH). You will get 1 stamp for doing 3 self-tests of your choice, 2 stamps if you do 5 or more. You must take a screen shot of the quizzes in order to show that you did them. I will check these on Thursday.  Any extra time should be spent preparing responses for the spoken exam interviews (questions given on Monday).  Animals and 1/2 sheets will be collected on Thursday!


NGE Practice Link


Kapitel 2 Test Format (53 Pts):

I.  Reflexive element fill-ins (8)
II.  Replacing Nouns with Pronouns (10)
III.  Creating Hostel/Camping Compound Nouns from word bank (10)
IV.  Reading Comprehension Questions (hostel related) (5 questions/10 pts)
V.  Youth Hostel Culture Questions (10)
VI.  Listening Comprehension (ja/nein statements about hostel picture) (5)


Review Test - Jeopardy Game Review


Please click on the following link and complete Frau Wilson's Student Information Form 2014-15 no later than Thursday, September 4th (end of the school day).  This is your first homework assignment!


Online Adjective Ending Practice

For more information and practice, visit Nancy Thuleen's website and scroll down to Adjective Endings.


Jugendherbergen in Deutschland

DJH Website
Submit Answers
Hausaufgabe:  Design a poster (normal copy paper sized) advertising your hostel!  The poster should include any important information one would need to know to make a decision to go there and should also tell how to get there.  All text should be in German.  This will be a graded assignment (20 pts).  Be sure to include:
Name of hostel
Location of the hostel
special features of the hostel
activities in the area
website/contact information
appealing design


Online Past Tense Practice for Monday, October 28th. Try each self test. If you don't do well on them, go back to your notes or any of the related notes on the websites. If you finish all of them, study your principle parts for your challenge to take place next class!