....Weihnachtsmarkt season, that is. If you get the chance, you should visit one of the two area "German" Christmas markets! The Christkindlmarkt in Bethlehem offers a few very traditional European and German venders including food stands, in addition to many other regional venders. You can get to Bethlehem by heading straight up Bethlehem Pike/309. Check out the website for more details: http://www.artsquest.org/christkindlmarkt/
Another option is the Christmas Village, found in Philadelphia at Love Park (near City Hall). This market is set up like a traditional German Weihnachtsmarkt and offers some very authentic German and Austrian cuisine as well as the famous Käthe Wolfahrt German Christmas store. There is no entrance fee, so it's a nice place to simply walk around and enjoy the season downtown. Their website is: http://www.philachristmas.com/
Since both markets feature Käthe Wohlfahrt stores, be sure to have your picture taken in front of the store (so the sign is visible) to earn 10 points EXTRA CREDIT! Be sure to turn in the picture (via Email or in person) no later than December 21st in order to get credit.
Wissahickon High School Deutsch II, III und AP. Schüler können hierhinkommen, um Hausaufgaben anzusehen, Hilfe zu kriegen, fragen zu stellen, und Spaß zu haben!
GAPP 2015

GAPP Summer 2015
3. Oktober - Tag der deutschen Einheit
To honor this important occasion, students in Frau Wilson's classes are encouraged to wear the colors of the German flag on October 3rd! Students can earn extra credit if they are clearly covered in Schwarz, Rot und Gold. In order to get extra credit, a student must get a paper signed by each teacher acknowledging that they were dressed accordingly all day. Papers can be obtained from Frau Wilson starting Monday, September 24th through Tuesday, October 2nd.
GAPPlication Now Available!
Please visit the GAPP page of this blogsite for information about the upcoming GAPP exchange and to download the GAPP 2013 Application. Completed forms are due to Frau Wilson by Monday, October 15th in order to be considered for the 2013 exchange. Current 10th and 11th graders only may apply.
Willkommen Zurück!
Another school year is upon us and there are many new and exciting changes at Wissahickon High School. Please bookmark this page NOW so that you have it easily accessible for information about any of my courses, class assignments, and all German-related activities offered. Please also take note of your specific class page (links above the group picture) for any information specific to your level.
Ich freue mich auf ein neues Schuljahr und auf September, wenn wir uns sehen werden!
Ich freue mich auf ein neues Schuljahr und auf September, wenn wir uns sehen werden!
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